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LMCS-Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

The map locator is now correct as of 5-23-12! Found the problem was that they pinned us in Conway SC rather than Conway AR. Was able to fix it now after so many months! Thank you! We are located at 2215 Oak Street, Suite 3 in Olympia Plaza off Hwy 64E (Oak Street) and Caskay Drive in Conway Arkansas 72032.

Horario de apertura

¿Listo para una visita? Consulta los siguientes horarios de apertura para St. Matthew Lutheran Church-LCMS- Conway AR:

Martes:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Miércoles:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Jueves:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Viernes:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Domingo:08:30 am - 11:00 am

Ten en cuenta que el horario de apertura puede variar dependiendo de los días festivos.

St. Matthew Lutheran Church-LCMS- Conway AR se puede encontrar en la siguiente dirección:

900 Farris Rd

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(501) 358-6252
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4.5/5.0 (6 Voto(s))

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We are about to leave the Church’s Festival Season. The Festival Season began back in the first week in December. It ends on Pentecost. Pentecost comes on June 9th this year. After Pentecost the church color turns green. That tells you we are in the Season of the Church. ​In the Season of the Church, we celebrate the slow growth of the church down through time. So often we wonder why the church seems to grow so slowly. It is like a tree. For years it seems as if nothing has happened, then you suddenly realize it has become huge and mighty. ​On Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on perhaps 120 people. From that tiny beginning, the church has grown to fill the earth. When we look at St. Matthew, we see no visible growth. Do not be so sure. The Holy Spirit loves St. Matthew. He prunes it, waters it, tends it. Over time it grows as the Holy Spirit feeds us with Christ, and Him crucified. ​As you come into the church and see the color green, remember the slow growth of the church as the Holy Spirit tends to us. Remember that Christ remains the king of the church. Remember that you have a Savior who died for you, rose for you and will come again to take you into His eternal rest. Information for the Newsletter If you have information for the monthly newsletter, please submit your information to Ann Linton by the 20th of the month at the church email address: [email protected] Shut Ins Please remember our shut-ins: Jean Allen and Juanita Blue. Pray for them and visit them as you can. Orphans and widows have a special place in God’s heart. They should have a special place in your heart as well. Bible Study We have Bible study, led by Pastor Mohr, every Sunday before worship service and Wednesday after Matins. We are studying the Gospel of John, and Wednesday Bible Study will vary f rom week to week. Food Pantry CAPCAs Food Pantry is always happy to receive donations. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Terri Kemper at 501-329 3891 ext 2133 or email [email protected] Fellowship News Our next fellowship meal will be Sunday, June 9. There is no theme; bring a dish to share if you like (but not required). Everyone is welcome. Church Schedule and Bible Study Every Sunday 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study ​ Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service for All Holy Communion Every Wednesday unless otherwise announced. 10:00 a.m. Matins followed by Bible Study Remembering in prayer: Our Congregation, as we seek to spread the proclamation of the Gospel. Those with Health Issues: Beulah McCain, at home with her daughter, recovering from a fall Juanita Blue, at Village Park of Conway Assisted Living. Kathy Heintzen, who is dealing with chronic problems, would like the Lord to assist her doctors in treating her. Jim Degroot, with various medical issues Please include Linda Carter’s daughter Beverly in your healing prayers. Billie Jo Gardner, Deb Roper’s mother, is in the Heart Hospital Clinic for testing of irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and related issues. Betty Murray-Adams, Kyle Murray’s mother who suffered a stroke. From the Board of Elders 1. Several weeks back three pastors interviewed various people from St. Matthew. A couple of members told these pastors that Pastor Mohr changed the St. Matthew mission statement. They made this claim because pastor had changed the slogan in the bulletin info box from “Finding the lost; Feeding the found through God’s word” to “Preaching Christ crucified for the salvation of all who believe.” This was not a change to the St. Matthew mission statement. Christ gave the church its mission statement, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Pastor cannot change what Christ has commanded. However, in an effort to promote healing and reconciliation, Pastor Mohr offered to change the info block slogan back to, “Finding the lost; feeding the found,” which is the default phrase when not using a seasonal message. 2. We, the Elders request and encourage each and every one of you to keep the lines of communication open. If you have an issue that you are not comfortable discussing one-on-one with Pastor Mohr, ask an Elder or another church member to make an appointment and go with you to speak to him. Please do not engage in gossiping, slander and backbiting. Keep your concerns to yourself until such time as you can address them directly with the other person. This is the only way that we can get back on track and resume being a loving, caring, and supportive congregation.


Pentecost comes the second Sunday in June. You know the story. The disciples were in a room, hiding for fear of the Jews. Suddenly the Holy Spirit descended on them and they went into the streets preaching Christ and Him crucified for the salvation of all who believe. Pentecost is one of the most important dates in Christian history. It used to be the second most important holy day, after Easter. Today, it has fallen by the wayside. Tragic. To understand Pentecost is to understand the church because that was the day everything changed. ​He has arisen! He has arisen, alleluia! So what? Did you notice that even after Jesus rose, the eleven disciples and other followers of Jesus had no Easter joy? Last Sunday, you heard these words read, “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews.” They knew Jesus had risen. They knew the tomb was empty. They did not care. They hid in fear. Then Thomas spoke these words of crass unbelief, “Unless I see in His hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into His side, I will never believe.” ​This week you will hear these words read, “Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”“ Several disciples joined him. Jesus had chosen these men to spread the gospel and they went back into fishing. Even at the ascension, Matthew wrote, “And when they saw Him they worshiped Him, but some doubted.” I could go on. ​Jesus’ death and resurrection brought forgiveness of sins for all people. Somehow, that did not have much of an impact on many people. That is why Pentecost is so important. Pentecost changed everything. When the Holy Spirit descended on those believers in that room, the world changed. The Holy Spirit brought the church to life. He empowered the disciples. He changed them. He gave them words to speak. Suddenly they found themselves in the streets proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus for the salvation of all who believe. ​Christ won your salvation on Good Friday. He gave you the sure hope of your resurrection on Easter. On Pentecost, all of that got delivered to you through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank the Lord that both Christ and His Holy Spirit have continued to work in you to bring you to faith and to nurture that faith to everlasting life. Information for the Newsletter If you have information for the monthly newsletter, please submit your information to Ann Linton by the 20th of the month at the church email address: [email protected] Shut Ins Please remember our shut-ins: Jean Allen and Juanita Blue. Pray for them and visit them as you can. Orphans and widows have a special place in God’s heart. They should have a special place in your heart as well. Bible Study We have Bible study, led by Pastor Mohr, every Sunday before worship service and Wednesday after Matins. We are studying the Gospel of John, and Wednesday Bible Study will vary f rom week to week. Food Pantry CAPCAs Food Pantry is always happy to receive donations. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Terri Kemper at 501-329 3891 ext 2133 or email [email protected] Fellowship News Our next fellowship meal will be Sunday, May 19. It would normally be on the 12th (Second Sunday), but that is Mother’s Day, so we moved it forward by a week. No theme, bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome. Church Schedule and Bible Study Every Sunday 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study ​ Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service for All Holy Communion Every Wednesday unless otherwise announced. 10:00 a.m. Matins followed by Bible Study Remembering in prayer: Our Congregation, as we seek to spread the proclamation of the Gospel. Those with Health Issues: Beulah McCain, at home with her daughter, recovering from a fall Juanita Blue, at Village Park of Conway Assisted Living. Kathy Heintzen, who is dealing with chronic problems, would like the Lord to assist her doctors in treating her. Jim Degroot, with various medical issues Please include Linda Carter’s daughter Beverly in your healing prayers. Billie Jo Gardner, Deb Roper’s mother, is in the Heart Hospital Clinic for testing of irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and related issues. Betty Murray-Adams, Kyle Murray’s mother who suffered a stroke.


This month’s article comes courtesy of Pastor Peter Scaer. He wrote it yesterday and it is appropriate given our congregational situation. A Faithful Pastor We all have feet of clay. God has given us talents, but not all of them. And the Lord knows we have our faults. Which is to say, pastors are people. We aim to please, but we aren’t people pleasers. Our allegiance lies higher. Such thoughts run through my head as I visit with pastors, this time, the faithful James Kress. Every ministry has its ups and downs, its joys and sorrows. What does a faithful pastor appreciate most? Well. . . what really makes his day is people with ears open to Christ’s word. And what should people look for in a pastor? We’d like if he were a dynamic preacher, whatever that might man. Who doesn’t rock the boat, at least not much. I suppose, you could list all the qualities you’d like, and get your man. Would that be to your benefit? I don’t know. I doubt it. Christ was loved by some, dismissed by others. St. Paul didn’t fare well in Corinth. His members liked other pastors better. The prophets? Forget about it. Manage to arrange for manna from heaven, and eventually, they’ll turn on you. So, what do you want in a pastor? Nothing more or less than faithfulness. A pastor who will speak the truth because he loves you, and because he loves God more. When I see congregations fighting faithful pastor, I’m left perplexed and saddened. They are only hurting themselves. Surely, we must bear one another’s burdens, and put up with idiosyncrasies. But if you have a faithful pastor, one who loves Christ, who preaches Christ, who visits you when you are sick, who wants to teach you and your children, then give thanks to God. You are blessed beyond measure. And if he says something that chafes, that rubs you the wrong way, talk to him. Ask whether what he says is true. More often than not, he’s saying it because he actually loves you, and loves God even more. And if you have a pastor who is easily blown by every wind, who cares only to please you, wishes never to rock the boat, then challenge him to do better. And if the Word of God is not to him supreme, find a pastor who cares more for God’s approval than for yours. The church is more than a social club, and you shouldn’t stay in place simply because your friends are there. . . . Vote with your feet, and vote for faithfulness. If you like what you wrote, you can see Pastor Peter Scaer preach here: Information for the Newsletter If you have information for the monthly newsletter, please submit your information to Ann Linton by the 20th of the month at the church email address: [email protected] Shut Ins Please remember our shut-ins: Jean Allen and Juanita Blue. Pray for them and visit them as you can. Orphans and widows have a special place in God’s heart. They should have a special place in your heart as well. Beulah McCain is at home with her daughter. Bible Study We have Bible study, led by Pastor Mohr, every Sunday before worship service and Wednesday after Matins. We are currently studying Romans on Sunday and the letters of Ignatius on Wednesday. Food Pantry CAPCAs Food Pantry is always happy to receive donations. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Terri Kemper at 501-329 3891 ext 2133 or email [email protected] Continuing the Lenten Season Evening Lenten Services ​April 3, 2019 7:00 p.m. ​April 10, 2019 7:00 p.m. Palm Sunday ​April 14 Fellowship Meal ​April 14 after Worship Service Maunday Thursday Service ​April 18 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Service ​April 19 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday ​April 21 ​ Fellowship News April Fellowship Sunday will be the 14th which is Palm Sunday. We decided to keep it the second Sunday of the month. Breakfast theme, bring a dish to share. Everyone is welcome. There will NOT be an Easter Breakfast this year. Church Schedule and Bible Study Every Sunday 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study ​ Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service for All Holy Communion Every Wednesday unless otherwise announced. ​ 10:00 a.m. Matins and Bible Study Elder Trip and Fall Education Update The Physical Therapy Department of UCA will once again give a presentation on elder fall at our church. This is not just for the elderly, however. Fall risk can be a serious issue for people of all ages. They will present information about the cause of falls and ways to lessen the chance of falling, followed by a personal fall assessment checklist for you to keep for reference. The presentation will be Saturday, March 30, at 10:00 a.m. Please mark it on your calendar, and invite everyone you know who might benefit from this information. Monthly Newsletter If you know of someone who says they are not receiving the newsletter, they need to personally contact the church secretary and verify/provide a good E-mail address. There has been a list of returned E-mails on the bulletin board for several weeks. ~ “Proclaiming Christ Crucified for the Salvation of All Who Believe” ~


It has been a pleasure to develop & be webmaster for the StMt website for many years and create & be an administrator to the StMt Facebook since it’s inception. As of January 2019, I was notified that your new webmaster is Matt Schroeder and your FB page administrator is Craig Olsen. I wish the congregation all the joy that a new year can bring! Walk with God. #beblessed

15/10/2018 is available 24/7 if you need to review the church calendar, serving positions, upcoming events or Pastor’s Page with a special message each month. Misplaced your paper or email newsletter? Check your church website. News at your fingertips.



He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah! Can you imagine awaking on an Easter & not having the joy of knowing our Lord & Savior has broken the chains of death & rolled away the stone from the sealed tomb? Before Easter was Easter, this was the situation! Death seemed final, people were in darkness, mourners wept. When the women went back to the tomb & the stone was rolled aside, the tomb was empty...can you even fathom the questions & confusion they must have felt? We have the promise revealed. We are equipped with eternal life & we can truly shout our praises to the one on high. Our King of Kings, our Lord of Lords. Let every knee now before him. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah! Join St.Matthew to lift high the cross st 10:00 a.m. All are welcome.


Today while we enjoyed a glorious spring day, our Lord hung on a cross until death & was laid in a sealed tomb many years ago. The world was plunged into a deep darkness. Although he did not speak at his trial in his own defense and the trial seems unfair to us, we had to happen to accomplish God’s plan. Your Lord took a beating for you, he was mocked for you, he took the nail for you. Cherish your promise of eternal life. Be blessed. Walk with God.


Edited 4/07/18 Welcome to Sunday morning! Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy is the fourth commandment. Yes, God is in nature, God is at the beach, God is on TV, God watches over you while you are sleeping late. God is everywhere and always with you. Acts 2:42 They were devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Today, we invite you to come fellowship with us, among believers. Make a joyful noise, absorb the word & be in prayer. Begin your day in worship & remember: Jesus died for everyone. He took on all the sins of the world for all people to give you the gift of everlasting life. Come to Him. Be blessed.



Edited 4/7/18: With all the rain we have been experiencing, we may need to review the story of Noah & the ark. It seems God found the faithful, assigned the duties & literally poured his wrath on his once-beautiful creation. Can you imagine displeasing God by sinful action so much that he wiped almost everything out & started again? The first two humans were given free will, given instructions....actually just one “don’t”... and just HAD to test God. From the very beginning of humankind, the devil was there whispering to sin. Some things may be legal, but not necessarily good for you. When you find yourself straying off the righteous path, you’ve lost your focus on the cross. Don’t wake up the next morning & say “where was God when I was doing that?” God didn’t walk into the sinful walked into it of your own free will. Free will is a double-edged sword if you don’t control it. The good news is that God knows humans are not perfect. How many sins has he witnessed in thousands of years? Enough to know over 2000 years ago that he sent his son to take all the sins of the world, carried his own cross to the hill, was brutally nailed to that cross, suffered with his mother at his feet & died between two thieves, one of whom he promised would be with him in paradise. Forgiving all the way to his last breath of human life. All to give you the promise of eternal life. Remember, no sin is too great and there is another chance awaiting you with the dawn of each day as long as you have a breath in your body. Our God is an awesome God. Be blessed. Walk with God.



Good morning to a day of Sonshine! Don’t let the fog keep you away. Cut a safe path through the fog to church to the first Sunday in the Lenten season & hear the path to the cross. Jesus was crucified, died & rose for you after walking a long road of ministry among sinners just like us. He embraces all & gave you the gift of grace with the promise of everlasting life after worldly death. Be blessed! Walk with God.


Ash Wednesday & Valentine’s Day simultaneously rolled into one day... the greatest love is Jesus’s love for you. Who else would go to the cross for you? Think on this. Join us at 7.00 p.m. tonight for the first Lenten seasonal service &. Ash Wednesday service. Be blessed~walk with God.


February Fellowship was soup Sunday provided by the men. We obviously have some good male cooks because they sure stepped up. With sides & desserts, everyone loved this unique idea on a cold, windy Sunday. Involve yourself in congregational fellowship & feel the love. The second Sunday in March, the Fellowship committee will host a casserole potluck following worship. Plans are already underway!


We welcome Carolyn Foster as a member of St Mt! Praise be to God!


When you awaken to the sound of rain & cloudy skies, the lyrics from a song by Mercy Me are totally appropriate to include in your morning prayers. Start every day in conversation with God. He is the first & the last and listens with both ears, no interruptions. “Bring me joy, bring me peace Bring the chance to be free Bring me anything that brings You glory And I know there'll be days When this life brings me pain But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus, bring the rain” God knows you cannot walk alone. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, his only son Jesus Christ, to lighten your load. Jesus died on a cross for you, the world was cast into a deeper darkness than you have ever experienced, he rose and cast a glorious light over the world. The gift of eternal life freely given. Shine on! Be blessed. Walk with God.


If you were unable to join us for worship today or would like to review the sermon as a private showing, follow the link to YouTube. The song link below, by James Likens, started playing in my mind like it was cued to Pastor’s sermon. God knows YOU. He knew you before you were formed in the womb. Jesus came to earth to die for your sins and assure you eternal life. God has a relationship with you. Open your heart for a closer relationship with him. Be in the know!


Welcome to a new day! Rise & shine! Although the sun is blocked by clouds today, do not allow a dreary, cloudy disposition to block the SON from shining on your life. Jesus did not drag his feet. He stood tall & faced his destiny. He suffered & died for you, but not before delivering the saving gospel of hope & assurance. He conquered sin, death & the grave and offers you the promise of eternal life. Get up, get dressed & join us at 10:00 a.m. for worship. Shine on! Be blessed. Walk with God.


Aquí puedes encontrar fotos de St. Matthew Lutheran Church-LCMS- Conway AR:


Aquí puedes encontrar videos de St. Matthew Lutheran Church-LCMS- Conway AR:

Christmas morning service...Monday morning...after attending Sunday morning worship and Christmas Eve service Sunday evening...Christmas exhaustion? Appropriate name for Christmas Day sermon & if you missed it, take 15 minutes out of your week & listen to this sermon. We are all familiar with the Christmas miracle story of the birth of the baby Jesus, but Pastor Mohr focuses on the human side outside the miracle. Enjoy “Christmas Exhaustion.”

Obedient and Disobedient Sons

My ways are not your ways


You now have the opportunity to listen again to today's sermon (9-10-17: "What the Pastor Does") if you were present or enjoy if absent. Pastor always opens with "Grace, mercy & Peace to you from God our Father". We missed it in the recording. Rest assured, he said it! Nice advantage of archiving is you can pause to look up scripture then resume or step back to review something you did not understand (instant replay like football games or NASCAR races!) A YouTube link with close-captioning will be posted when edited & ready for publishing this week. Jesus shared his life & death for you to gain everlasting life. Share the link or post with someone to extend the gift. Be blessed!

Sermon #2 in the video pilot program...Sunday, September 3: We Proclaim Jesus & Him Crucified. Feedback/discussion is encouraged. This is also available on YouTube with close-caption. Walk with God. Be blessed.

StMt is piloting a new suggestion to post weekly Sunday morning worship service sermons via video as an alternative to written sermon excerpts. If you are unable to attend church due to traveling, illness or just life's unexpected challenges, join us on Facebook for your weekly dose of the message! Thanks to our Outreach committee for this wonderful option! Remember, no matter what life throws at you, Jesus died and rose for you...yes YOU! And you have the promise of everlasting life. Walk with God. Be blessed!

Watch the short video of our Lifting high the cross, one more time to its permanent home with a little help from modern technology. Thank you, Lord!

Beautiful musical offer story performance today by Jackson Karl, Donna & David Peterson. Enjoy!

Rachel & Jackson had the voices of tiny angels during the Christmas Eve Candlelight service December 24. Turn up your volume & enjoy!

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Chick-fil-A Conway Commons
1115 E Oak St, Conway
Comida rápida
Las Delicias-Conway
1815 Old Morrilton Hwy, Ste 103, Conway
Latinoamericano, Mexicano
Katmandu MOMO
1018 Oak Street, Conway
900 Locust Avenue, Conway
1220 Old Morrilton Hwy, Conway
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Comida rápida
Tacos 4 Life
2335 Dave Ward Dr, Conway
Beebe's Hamburgers & Hot Dogs
2751 Dave Ward Drive, Conway
Asiático, Hamburguesa, Comida rápida
Burgers Pies and Fries
2160 Harkrider Street, Conway
Asiático, Hamburguesa
Almost Famous Smoke House & Grill
258 Highway 64 E, Conway
Americano, Barbacoa
TC's Midtown Grill
1611 E Oak St Ste 19, Conway
Chili's Grill & Bar
1111 E Oak St, Conway
TGI Fridays
1105 E Oak St, Conway
Golden Corral
814 E Oak St, Conway
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Shucked Surf & Turf Shack
2480 Sanders Rd., Conway
2235 Dave Ward Drive, Conway
Cajún, Criollo, Marisco
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Whispering Woods Cabins & Grill
4245 Highway 177 S, Calico Rock
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1886 Crescent Hotel & Spa
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Embassy Suites by Hilton Portland Maine
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20 Milk St, Portland
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Cedarwood Lodge - Flippin, Arkansas
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420 Quapaw Ave, Hot Springs National Park
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1234 County Road 120, Eureka Springs
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12 Spring St, Eureka Springs
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400 Convention Blvd, Hot Springs National Park
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Geraldson Realty
722 Farris Road, Conway
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Real Estate With Denise Perry
355 Hogan Lane, Unit C, Conway
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ERA TEAM Real Estate
1600 Dave Ward Drive, Conway
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Sena Crafton - ERA Team Real Estate
1120 Hogan Lane, Conway
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Jonna Shaw, Realtor Coldwell Banker RPM Group
1120 Hogan, Suite B, Conway
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Robyn Bullock at Crye-Leike Realtors Conway
3700 Dave Ward Dr Ste 300, Conway
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Tracy Tidwell Team, ERA Team Real Estate
1600 Dave Ward Drive, Conway
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Kristy Lewis - ERA Team Real Estate
1600 Dave Ward Drive, Conway
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Wes Splawn, J.C.Thornton & Company
1855 McKennon St. Suite 100, Conway
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Ashley Cross
1600 Dave Ward Dr., Conway
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Jenni Harrison
2450 North Donaghey, Conway
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Darrell Thomas Realtor
2115 Washington Ave, Conway
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Lindsey Spangler, Realtor-ERA TEAM Real Estate
1600 Dave Ward Drive Unit A, Conway
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Jennifer Barnard Realtor-Re/max Elite
2450 N Donaghey Suite A, Conway
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Gelinda Mudgett Re/Max Elite
2450 N Donaghey, Conway
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Mark Young - Re/Max Elite
2450 Donaghey Ave Suite 1, Conway
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De Freitas Team at Keller Williams Realty Central
1107 Main Street, Conway
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KENN SELLS Arkansas Realestate
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Valarie Brown-Realtor
1107 Main Street, Conway
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Lucio "Lou" Zamora - Armour Realty Group
2225 Prince St, Conway
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Pam McDowell ERA Team Real Estate
1120 Hogan Ln, Ste B, Conway
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Jim Albini - Edge Realty
46 Lakeshore Dr, Conway
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Lori Stephens, Realtor - ERA Team Real Estate
1120 Hogan Lane, Conway
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2665 Donaghey Ave Suite 102, Conway
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The Beauty Bar
1805 East Oak Street Ste 122 & 123, Conway
Matt's Uppercuts
2850 Prince St suite 39, Conway
Barbería, Peluquería
Pigtails & Crewcuts: Haircuts for Kids - Conway
810 Amity Rd, Ste 301, Conway
Studio West Salon
165 Farris Rd, Conway
Arthur's Beauty College, Inc. Conway
2320 Washington Ave, Conway
Salon West & Spa
3900 Dave Ward Dr. Suite 2000, Conway
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Boogaerts Salon
2730 Prince St, suite 2, Conway
Salon Eleven
1027 Front St, Ste 1, Conway
Barbería, Peluquería, Maquillador
Main Salon
818 Chestnut St, Conway
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Solutions Day Spa
1130 Pats Ln, Conway
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Shear Envy Salon
803 Harkrider St, Ste 13, Conway
The Hair Co.
625 Salem Rd, Conway
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
The Shop
1050 Bob Courtway Dr, Conway
Barbería, Peluquería
Sport Clips Haircuts of Conway West
3900 Dave Ward Drive, #2200, Conway
Barbería, Peluquería
Studio M Salon
1319 Oak St, Conway
Barbería, Peluquería
Sport Clips Haircuts of Conway
563 Elsinger Blvd., Conway
Barbería, Peluquería
Urban Society Salon
1008 W. Oak St, Conway
Kris Anthony Salon
2104 Harkrider Suite 102, Conway
Hybrid Hair Studio
740 S Salem Suite 103, Conway
Barbería, Peluquería
Accents Salon
690 South Salem Suite 306, Conway
Harrington & Company
819 Parkway St, Conway
The Smith House Hair Salon, LLC
1006 Markham St, Conway
Servicio de depilación, Peluquería
Studio SKY
2311 Washington Ave, Conway